The AAH is a member-supported organization. All officers and committee members volunteer their time and expertise; there is no paid staff. Dues are deliberately kept low to allow as many people as possible to join.
Two programs of the AAH are supported entirely by donations. There are:
The Meeting Subvention Fund, which provides grants (typically of $200-$300) to assist graduate students and junior faculty in defraying the costs of attending the Annual Meeting.
The Gene Borza Publications Subvention Fund is named for a founder and long-time member of the Association. The AAH is currently collecting donations to supplement the generous bequest of Dr. Borza. Your donation goes toward the creation of a publications subvention to help defray members’ costs for publication expenses (e.g., permissions, photographs, indices, etc.).
The Association also accepts unrestricted donations to its general fund to further its core operations. These fund are used for costs such as mailing, printing the Monograph series, etc.
Donations of any amount are gratefully welcomed. The AAH is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax-deductible.